Fake news.

Today we had Manaiakalani, we were learning about Hoxes and diffrent types of media. We looked at some fake videos and pictures to guess what we thought was real. Then we when on Canva and learned how to remove the background of a photo and add a new one. We got to try to make a fake image.

How do you like mine?

Can you tell its fake?

What animal do you think I removed and replace with the bird?

Drawing my book cover.

For the past few weeks I have been drawing a book cover for twelve of my storys over the  years.

These storys range from Naritives and Recounts, I have written them over the course of 2021-2024.  Some of these story’s were the first few ones I ever wrote.  I learned that somethings can change a lot over the years.


Here are some of my favorites:

Once in a lifetime

After the old pilot jumped on the baby green sea turtle, he gript his legs and arms to his turtle friend’s shell.The giant clouds cleared soon and they saw lots of plain fields.The old pilot thought he saw a farmer leading a young horse. Now he felt sick so he looked back at the front and he saw his giant friends landing on a golden sand beach and clear blue waves. He was amazed. He thought of making a house but he looked at his turtle. He decided to make a stable and a house. He lived happily ever after. 

Willow Bank


“Crunch!”  footsteps hit the gravel as people walk up to Willowbank the Wildlife Reserve. Mum, Nate and I hurry along the path to get to the door, inside standing in line. Me and Nate grab some Bird food and Farm animal food. When we got to the front of the line Mum paid and we got a map of the area, first is Wild New Zealand then Heritage New Zealand and Natural New Zealand.


 We start by seeing a Tui enclosure at the edge of the café. The second animal we saw was massive eels that were in water next to the wooden path we were walking on. As we continued along the path we saw a few chickens strutting around, so Nate fed some of the Bird feed mix to them, at first they hesitated but finally they ate a bit. Next there was a little hut that had a paddock of Fallow Deer in it, the deer were so friendly and ate some farm feed out of my hand. After the cute Fallow Deer there were lots of ducks everywhere in the waters surrounding the paths. The next main animals we saw were Swans, Ducks and Geese, my favorite one of these animals was a type of Geese called Sebastapol Geese that had really curly white feathers. After the water birds was an enclosed area that had some Wallabies lying sleeping in the corner. There was also a big cage with exquisite colourful parrots in it. Some of these birds were Cockatoos, Parakeets, Cool white and red birds, quails and Big black birds that had stunning red underneath their wings!  


This was my favorite part of going to Willow bank and I really enjoy going to see animals anywhere. I also saw Macaws, Otters, Capybaras, Kiwis and Ring-tailed lemurs! 

Do you like them?

Canva animation

Today I learned how to make a animation on Canva! First we got shown how to add a image into Canva then we were shown how to  grab the object that we animate. I decided to use this photo from camp a few years ago, my goal was to turn the spiny wheel how do you think I did?

I don’t think I made I quite right but I still tryed my best!


My Holiday Recount! Term 4 2024

For the past week I have been makeing a animation about the school holidays. I decided to do it about when Sophie and Indi came past my house to say Hi. I really enjoyed makeing the charaters especially, The hardest part for me was makeing the backrounds for the different scenes!


The description is.

On Sunday Indi and Sophie walked to my house. We decided to go for a walk down the street and saw a view over the town. Then we when to the look-out and looked at the view over the airport.


I really like the end result but what do you think?

I Heard a whisper but no one was there. (Writing)

For the past Term we have been writing story’s about the topic ‘I Heard a whisper but no one was there’. We have been writing thease because Miss Lang is showing us how she marks our work, we have written this story so our students in our class to mark in Rubriks.

My story is based on a beach, with an elderly lady. A voice whispers  “You shall leave or else you shall never.”

I have learned how to grade writing properly.

Here is my finale work.

T3 TL I heard a whisper when nothing was there

How would you rate my writting?

Country brochures!

For the last term we have been makeing country brochures, thease are about the country that we used for our Potato Olympics. I used New Zealand for my potato so I have researched facts about New Zealand to make my brochures! I have learnt lots of cool facts about New Zealand that I never used to know, my favorite fact is that New Zealand was one of the last country’s to be inhabited! I also learn that Kowhai and Pohutukawa are both national flowers of New Zealand. I really enjoyed making these brochures because we had to reshearch our country. I love what my brochures turned out like! Here is the finished peice!



How would you rate my work?

Do you like it?


Twin pics

Today I made a Twin pics from an inspirational image. I learned that AI can be used for some good but also some bad.

The image featured a monkey with blue eyes with colourful swirls and cartoonish art style. Here is the inspiration image and my image!



In the end I got a score of 72 % I am really happy with the result!

Have you ever tried Twin Pics?

How would you rate my result?

Ko Te Whirika! ( Kapa Haka)

On  the 28/8/2024 was the West coast Kapa Haka tornement! My school Kaniere school went to participat, We had to leave at 10:30 to reach Greymouth  at about 11:00. We got sorted into our classrooms then we had about 30 minutes to go watch other schools proformances. My group went to see Hokitika primary school proform, After that we had to go back to our rooms and get changed. We had about 40 minutes let before we proformed so we practiced once before splitting up again to eat and finish up getting ready. We got to go up on stage at about 1:10, the younger kids went on first to pro-form Head, shoulders, knees and toes in maori. Then the rest of us entered the stage to pro-form our school song, next was Ko Te Whirika and after that the poi. We all turned and the boy came in front to do the haka, Finaly the final song was Whaka taka te hau, I saw some of the judges singing along to the last song. Some people in the crowd stated  to preform the Haka to us. At last we got to leave the stage and go back to our classroom. Miss Lang was so proud so was Mrs King! I think I might do it again next Year!







Have you ever gone to a Kapa Haka tournament?