Tag: 2024

Mothers day

Yestureday was mothers day. For mothers day me and dad made a carrot cake.  First me and Nate went and havested a few carrots from the ground then we gave them to dad so he could get them ready for the cake. While dad was peeling and grateing the carrots I started to make the main cake. Once I had put all the ingredients in that needed to go in and had mixed it up I got all the grated carrots and put it in. Once we had got the carrot cake in the oven I started to make and write in a card for mum. For the card I used a plain A4 peiace of paper which I use watercolour paints on to make a heart-rose flower with hearts on the edges.  At the very end of the day I gave mum my card and she said she loved it. I also opened my new polymer clay that mum got me in Christchurch. I decided that I was going to make a frog with it but when I finished it didn’t look like a frog so I looked some up on Google. In the end I loved the frog but we still need to bake it. It was a really fun day!

What do you do for mothers day?

Random writing promet

 The soft sound of footsteps thumped on the ground, the other animals watched silently as the two people passed. They were talking about something and laughing loudly. I could not quite hear the words but I knew that they were about to do something silly. So I silently slunk back into the shadows and followed them, one of the people looked around nervously but the other just pushed him to keep moving. I motened for my friend Mouse to follow only once the humans had passed and were out of hearing disedns did she scuttle over ” Do you know those humans?” She scewked , I looked around sherching for other animals or people . “No, and I don’t want to know but we have  to.” I meow back.I convince Mouse to come with me to find out what the people were up to and who they  were.

This is the very start of my story I don’t know If I will continue but if I do I will post It on my blog!

Could you write the rest of the story?

If you did How would it go?

Quick write week 1 -Term 2 

This is what my dream day would be.

Quick write week 1 -Term 2 

What does your dream day look like?

My dream day would be in a waterpark on a lake in Cromwell. I would be there with my cousins for mums side and we would have day passes. I would have my wetsuit on and would go around almost all of the slides. We would jump and do flips into the water, we would go down steep slides and not have to wait in line because everyone started leaving after a few hours. I would go on swings into the water and have the best time of my life. Me, Jesse and Nate would stay in the water for six hours only hoping out to grab some chips or cherries from Nana or Mum. We would push each other off the giant blow up goose and down the slides tricking each other that we wouldn’t push each other off then push them off. We would try the hardest obstacle in the obstacle course. On the way back to Queenstown we would buy some cherries and ice cream to snack on. 

Do you want to go to this water park?

Quick write week 1 term 2

Today we did a quick write the topic was :Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future? I would rather go back to the past that the future here’s why.

Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?

I think that I would choose to live 100 years in the past because I could see what they did in the past. I would like to see what they ate or how they moved to work or school. I would like to learn how they got wood or made houses. If I had children I would have to do all the washing and baking and cooking. I  would probably not have a job because I don’t think that they did many jobs for women. It would be amazing to see what they had compared to what we have. I don’t want to go in to the future because I think that AI will take over the word.


Would you rather go in the past or the futuer?

Peel Forest

This is what I did in the holidays. I wrote a story about going to peel forest. Here it is:


Have you ever been to peel forest?

                                        Peel forest


It was Monday the first day of the school holidays, Dad, Nate and I were headed to Christchurch.We were going to be in Christchurch for two days. After that we were booked in a cabin at the Peel forest campground. 


“Are you ready yet” yells dad as he loads the bikes on the bike rack. “No not quite yet I have got to say bye to mum and the dog Tim” I replied back to him, “Well hurry up, we got to go” He says. When we finally left we stopped to get petrol at a petrol station in town (Hokitika). We set off from town at 11:28 and stopped at Arthurs Pass for a toilet stop. We also stopped at spring field to get a pie and drink for lunch as well as play in the park there and go to the toilet. It seemed like forever to get to Christchurch but it only took a little over 3 hours. 


When we got to Christchurch we met Great Aunt Bertty at Opawa. Nate, dad and I got straight to loading all our gear to the house and the bedroom we were staying in. There was a bunk bed and a single bed in the room but since there were three of us Nate slept in the bottom bunk and dad in the single bed, so I was going to be on the top bunk but I didn’t want to so I slept on a mattress on the floor. We were staying in Christchurch for two nights because dad had to get an MRI. On Tuesday dad went for his MRI early in the morning then came back. We decided to go to Littleton to look for crabs at a bay. We went through the big tunnel in Littleton to get to the bay. We didn’t find any carbs but went on a walk to another bay. 


We headed to peel forest on Wednesday and since we didn’t know the way we use Google maps. To start the journey to peel forest we drove the car to Ashburton because dad knew the way there and It was on the way to peel forest. It felt like a long journey but it was about an hour or two. When we got to the campground the Google maps directions said “You have arrived at your destination” just at the start of the campground so dad had to stop suddenly and go back to it. When we found our cabin we unlocked it and put all our stuff in. I chose to go on one of the top bunks because there were two bunks and that was it. Dad and Nate decided to go on the bottom bunks. It was one of the first times that I slept on a top bunk. Rima and my cousins arrived soon after, Miri,Tessa,Me and Nate discovered a good climbing tree. 


Every night me,dad,Nate and our cousins played cards. The game we played was Ks and As. The cabin got really cold at night so we put on the heater that was in the room. On the first day there we did a walk at a nearby river because we were looking for a type of stone. On the way we had some Totara berries that dad identified . Near the end of the walk I found what we were looking for, I was the only one that found what we were looking for that day. It was nightfall by the time we got back to the camp so we had dinner. On the second day we went for a walk to a waterfall. We rounded the last corner and saw a small lot of water going down a rock. We all said “oh is that it” but then realized that the actual waterfall was behind a rock and all you needed to do was walk two more steps forward. We took some photos at the waterfall then came back. On one of the days we also climbed a mountain near Mt Sumners .The last day Rima and the cousins had to leave so we did another waterfall walk that was longer. 


I really enjoyed my time in peel forest but will probably not go back. It was really fun catching up with the cousins. I am glad to be back home!

                                                                             THE END

Districts Athletics

On Tuesday was Districts Athlitics for Hokitika. Me and about 22 people from Kaniere school went.There were 5 schools present, Hokitika Primiry, St Marys, Kokatahi-kowhitirangi School, Kaniere School and Westland Highschool. Hokitika districts was at Westland Hight school, we got transported to Westland Hightschool by some parants. I went in Meia’s mums car with Meia, Indi, Essie and I. We left school at about 9:00 am and arrived at about 9:20 am. The first activaty of the day was the 800 meter for the year 5-6s that had qualified and wanted to do it. Then was the 1200 meter for the year 7-8 who qualified. After that my age group had a BYE, then we were off to discis. Then we had High jump after that, we were then sent to Long jump which had a different mat then I was familiar with. Next was suppose to be a BYE for us but since we were racing to get done before it started to rain we went straight to 60 meters. Instead of 60 meters we were suppose to do 80 meters but It didn’t really matter we just did 80 meters after shotput. At shotput we got a practis throw before the real gos. Next was the 80 meters, In both of the sprints there were 2 heats I was in the first heat for both of them. We were suppose to do a relay race but it was just about to rain so we didn’t. In the end I think I placed in four events mabe out of the Seven or eight that I qualified for, The events were 800 meter second, Discus First, Shotput Second and High jump second.  I had a really fun time and it was the first time that I have been to districts!

Have you ever been to districts for athletics?

Whats your favorite Activaty in Athletics?

Inside Outside poem

Last week we started to create Inside Outside Poems. Our Ispirsion is a poem called Cross country. An Inside Outside poem Means that There are 4 lines of inside at the top, 4 lines of outside in the middle and 3 more lines of inside at the bottom. This is my poem and a picture of the finished product that has been put in Cloud art and turned into a artwork.

Lake Kaniere Duatholn

Inside, my Heart beats faster,

Inside, I wonder if I can make it to the end, 

Inside, nervous Butterflies fly around in my stomach,  

Inside, I mutter “you can do this.”


Outside, parents take photos,

Outside, kids come line up,

Outside, volunteers get ready to start the race,

Outside, I feel the rain pounding on my shoulders.


Inside, I realise that I haven’t trained, 

Inside, I think I’m going to come last,

Inside, I feel excited. 


Have you ever done a Duatholn?


Sea Staind Red, Bullets Hit Heads

When we had Mr A on Wednesday we did some learning about ANZAC.  ANZAC stands for Astralian New Zealand Army Corpse. I learnt that the solders went to Egypt for up to 6 months before they went to Gallipoli. The ships landed at the wrong spot, they landed at a spot with steep cliffs instead of flat sloops. I learnt that there are lots of my family members went to World War 1 and 2. I don’t think I would want to go on to the shore if I was a solder in WW1. I think that we should learn about world wars but some things are kind of disturbing. Today I learnt how to coluorised black and white pictures with AI.

Would you go to war?

How would you feel if you went to war?

Black berry picking

The prickles were painfully stabbed into my skin.  I searched for black berries in the bush as Mum said “I don’t think there are any here.” “There has to be,” I sobbed back,”I don’t think we came early enough,” she replied. “We probably came too late in the season.” “ I told you mum, I have told you for the last two weeks” I yell back. “I’m so sorry,” she said as she  hugged me. “The only other place to look would be the mountain bike tracks” dad said, “Okay” I replied. We drove in the car up to the mountain  bike tracks at Bluespure. We pulled up at a clearing with lots of black berry plants. “ Mum get the container there is black berries. ” I yelled joyfully.  We got about 5 or 6 black berries from those plants. Then we carried  on to some black berry plants up the road and so on.  In the end we got quite a few black berries.”Next week we will go to Kortarangi to look.” The End 


Have you ever eaten a Blackberry?


Top Team!

Today from 9:30 – 11:0o o-clock We did Top Team. Top Team is where there is 12 activates and 12 groups that go around each activity .  Some of the activitys inclde water so we wore our rōpu tops with a spare change of cloths and a towel.  We were sorted in to our groups yesterday so we all knew what group we were in.  I was in group G with Maddie, Josh, Joel, Everln, Darly and Me. First we did Activatys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 then after that we did Activatys 7,8,9,10,11 and 12, My group went in order from 1 to 12. The last three activatys were the water ones so we got very wet at the end.  Number 3 was really hard and my group scored Zero points in it. The activaty was hard because it was a mine shaft game were we stepped on a square in the mat and the person running it would say “Yes” or “no” and if it was a No we had to go to the back of the line.   The water Activeatys were fun and I got water tipped on my head.  At the end I sat in a big bucket of water because I wasen’t that wet. In the end we scored about 305 Points and the Winner scored 377 points.

It was a really fun day!`


Have you ever done a Top Team Activaty?