Kids day

On Sunday I went to kids day with my brother and one of my friends. First we got some cotton candy, In my opinion it was worse then other years.Then we played air hokey aginst each other, after that we went and won some stickers to get prizes. The games we did were Can Can and Tortle turtle. All of us Tried gusseing how many jelly beans were in a jar my guess was 1111.We went and found the place were the sticker sheets. Meia and Me got our faces painted but Nate did not want to Saddly. After that we walked around for a little bit until the hunted house opened then we went in to that,It wasen’t as scary as recent years because people did not jump out at us. Once we lost my older brother Nate and when we found his he had gone to the prize tent and had gotten some prizes. We all quickly went to the prize tent because me and Meia needed to get some prizes. I found a Fidget spinner, a slinky, a small popet, a squishy toy and a Fluffy pink bunny rabbit toy. At the very end We lined up for the Zorb balls because the line was short, I had never been in a Zorb ball before so I was very excited. It took 30 minets to get to the front of the line.I went in a zorb ball with Meia because there was only two and Nate was with us. The zorb balls were The best thing we did at kids day.

Would you Go on the zorb balls?

What would you get?

One thought on “Kids day

  1. Its good that you had fun at kids day. Have you taken you prizes/toys to school for the trade day?

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